
President, parlt speaker criticise PM for not nominating new education min

President Gitanas Nausėda told reporters Thursday that the Government’s attitude to education is too lax. According to him, a new minister should be nominated soon, rather than “in summer, early autumn or perhaps never”.

Meanwhile, Speaker of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen described the education sector as arguably the most important area after defence. According to her, procrastination to appoint a new minister is hardly acceptable.

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“I would like to believe that coalition partners will find a candidate who is willing and can hold these very demanding duties,” said the speaker.

As reported, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė stated that a candidate for the post of the education, science and sport minister would be nominated in summer, when the Government returns its mandate to the newly elected president following presidential elections on 12 May. She said a successor is not sought currently following Jakštas’ resignation in early April.

Lithuanian News

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