
PM congratulates the United States celebrating its Independence Day

“I wish every success, as well as long years of continued prosperity and harmony to the United States of America and every American. This important day, celebrating liberty and democracy, serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring values that bind our nations together

For years, the strategic partnership between Lithuania and the United States has been a cornerstone of our security and prosperity, and I take this opportunity to reaffirm our strong bilateral relations, which are a testament to the power of shared values and mutual respect,” said the prime minister in her message of greetings to Vice President of the USA Kamala Harris.

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“As NATO allies, we have consistently demonstrated our unwavering commitment to mutual defence and the principles of freedom, democracy, and human rights. This partnership is more critical than ever, especially at a time when authoritarian regimes are trying to crack down on free democracies. We highly value the US military presence in Lithuania. The more America in Lithuania and in our whole region, the safer the Trans-Atlantic community is.

We are grateful for the United States support to Ukraine in its fight against Russia in this brutal war. Lithuanians deeply understand the price of freedom, having endured and overcome oppression in our own history. Our society stands firm in our belief that we must support Ukraine whatever victory takes. The future of Ukraine lies within the fold of all democratic alliances, where it rightly belongs, and we must do everything we can to make this a reality as soon as possible.

As we look to the future, let us continue to work closely together to ensure the safety and prosperity of our people. Together, we can build a more secure and democratic world for future generations,” reads the prime minister’s letter.

Lithuanian News

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