
Former presidential candidate may run for Seimas with LVŽS

“Discussions have not ended on how we will cooperate in the Seimas’ elections with Ignas Vėgėlė,” Karbauskis told the radio station Žinių radijas on Friday.

According to him, the two are still talking about their values and it should become known in a fortnight whether Vėgėlė is going to run with the LVŽS.

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“The final answer will be in two weeks. I can say that discussions are successful and Ignas has confirmed this himself,” Karbauskis added.

Although MEP Aurelijus Veryga will lead the LVŽS in elections to the Seimas, yet Karbauskis says this does not mean that there is no place for Vėgėlė on the list of candidates.

Karbauskis will not participate in parliamentary elections himself. If elections are successful for the party, Veryga will be offered to become the prime minister.

The LVŽS had endorsed Vėgėlė in May’s presidential elections after pulling out its candidate Veryga. However, Vėgėlė finished third and did not advance to runoff voting. In turn, he endorsed the LVŽS in elections to the European Parliament in June.

Lithuanian parliamentary elections will be held on 13 October 2024.

Lithuanian News

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