
Paluckas as PM would be disappointing proposition – LVŽS leader

“If they [the Social Democratic Party] can form the Government, the proposition of Paluckas as prime minister would be very disappointing. He has never been known for his authority in the party or in the Seimas,” Karbauskis told the radio station Žinių radijas on Friday.

He argues that the Social Democratic Party (LSDP) has better candidates to lead the Government.

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“The Social Democratic Party is much bigger. There are ‘strong people’ in the local self-government, there is its chairwoman [Vilija Blinkevičiūtė]. I think they will not disappoint the Lithuanian people and will not put forward a person ‘weaker’ than ministers,” said Karbauskis.

Speaking about the new majority after October’s parliamentary elections, Karbauskis stated that the LVŽS and the LSDP have the biggest potential out of all opposition parties and the two of them could form a coalition.

“The scenario of 2016 may repeat itself, when just two parties are enough to form a stable majority. In terms of a coalition, for two parties it is much easier to work together than for three or four,” said the LVŽS leader.

President Gitanas Nausėda earlier named Paluckas as one of possible candidates for the prime minister’s post if the LSDP wins elections. Party’s leader MEP Blinkevičiūtė agrees that Paluckas could become the head of Government. The president previously said that MEP Blinkevičiūtė could become Lithuania’s prime minister but he would not pressure her to accept this role.

Blinkevičiūtė will lead the LSDP in parliamentary elections on 13 October 2024, whereas Paluckas is second on the list of the party’s candidates.

Lithuanian News

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