
Maxima LT, Akropolis Group pulling out from business associations – media

Retailers took this decision because they felt they were working in a „grey area“ when the authorities failed to respond to questions related to interest groups and government dialogue, the business website said. These issues followed the Competition Council’s decision in December 2022 to fine pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies EUR 72 million in the largest cartel found in Lithuanian history.

Maxima LT is no longer a member of the Lithuanian Trade Enterprises Association and the Lithuanian Business Confederation, according to vz.lt. Meanwhile, Akropolis Group, operator of shopping centres, has withdrawn from the Lithuanian Real Estate Development Association (LNTPA).

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Indrė Trakimaitė-Šeškuvienė, head of communications and corporate affairs at Maxima LT, told VŽ that the company took the move because practice had shown companies may face misinterpretation when voicing their positions on legislative issues through an association.

Dominykas Mertinas, head of marketing and communications at Akropolis Group, explained to the news website that the company’s decision to leave the LNTPA was prompted by questions raised by Lithuanian law enforcement regarding the activities of associations. Transparency is a top priority for Akropolis Group, he said.

Vilniaus prekyba is owned by entrepreneur Nerijus Numa.

Lithuanian News

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