
Vėgėlė to run for Seimas with Farmers & Greens

Vėgėlė will start 141st on the list of candidates of the LVŽS. Party’s leader Ramūnas Karbauskis made the announcement at a meeting of the party’s council in Babtai on Friday.

„We have agreed to work together for the sake of Lithuania. Today, the council of the Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union has to confirm the party’s election list, candidates in single-member constituencies. And I am pleased to say that Ignas Vėgėlė will be on that list,“ Karbauskis told reporters.

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In turn, Vėgėlė stated that an agreement was reached to create a joint list of candidates „including representatives of other parties, leaders, not politicians, doctors, scientists, lawyers“.

Karbauskis added that in case of success in elections, if the LVŽS is in the majority, Vėgėlė would be appointed as parliament speaker. Earlier it was reported that MEP Aurelijus Veryga would be offered to become the prime minister.

Karbauskis also confirmed that at first Vėgėlė was offered to lead the list of candidates. The latter said he refused this proposal as, in his opinion, a member of the party should be the leading candidate.

Lithuania will hold elections to the Seimas on 13 October.

Lithuanian News

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