
Competitor complains about president’s visits to rural areas

Vėgėlė believes that Nausėda, who is looking for re-election, is travelling across Lithuania to campaign taking advantage of public funds and that the visits are not related to his presidential duties.

The lawyer claims that the president’s visits to different areas of Lithuania have become more frequent during the election campaign.

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Vėgėlė asked election watchdogs to examine whether the incumbent president grossly violated the Code on Elections, which might result in him being removed from the race.

Chief adviser to the president Frederikas Jansonas responded to the accusations by stressing that both President Gitanas Nausėda and First Lady Diana Nausėdienė have been visiting different areas of Lithuania since assuming taking office in 2019. The adviser told the news agency ELTA that other politicians could have done the same if they wished so.

Lithuanian News

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