
Government to tighten employment regulations for third country nationals

The Ministry of the Interior noted that the number of foreigners in Lithuania has been rising rapidly. In 2024, foreigners accounted for 7.7% of all residents in Lithuania, compared with 3.6% in 2022. The majority of them, over 15,800, came from Belarus in 2023. The ministry stated that the growing number of foreign workers creates a threat as it is increasingly difficult to ensure integration processes and control.

Amendments initiated by the Interior Ministry are aimed to tighten requirements for companies that hire foreign workers, as well as to tighten employment conditions, allow only those foreigners to work who have a residence permit in the country, to ensure the enforcement of residence rules and prioritise the attraction of high-skilled workforce.

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In addition, it is proposed to scrap the list of the most in-demand professions, whereas a temporary residence permit would be issued only if a quota of foreign workers is not reached.

Only newly arriving foreigners would be counted when determining the quota. The quota would include up to 1.4% of Lithuania’s resident population in July of the previous year, around 40,000 people. Quotas would not apply on foreigners who have completed studies or vocational training programmes in Lithuania and plan to work.

Amendments would also hold companies liable if they do not pay set salaries to foreign workers.

Lithuanian News

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