
Parlt committee will discuss boosting Lithuania’s drone capabilities

Conservative MP Laurynas Kasčiūnas, chairman of the committee, told the news agency ELTA that legislators will discuss integrating unmanned aerial vehicles in Lithuania’s defence architecture, as well as their production. A Lithuanian volunteer who has been in Ukraine will present a report on the use of drones at the front lines.

Kasčiūnas said that the national defence programme currently considered by the committee will have to be supplemented as regards the use of drones. The politician added that representatives of the Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union will attend the sitting. The paramilitary organisation is also developing its drone capabilities, which, according to the MP, have to be integrated in defence forces.

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At the end of 2022, Lithuania acquired Switchblade 600 drones, which are to be delivered in 2024 by the manufacturer AeroVironment.

Lithuanian News

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